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Emergency Management

Emergency Management Coordinator

Arnold DiTeodoro
856-299-0070 x124 Non-Emergency Number
856-491-1246 Emergency Number

If you have an emergency situation please DIAL 9-1-1 immediately!

To update your Emergency Contact Info please complete the Emergency Contact Information form attached and return ASAP. 

If a weather emergency should occur ex: tropical storm / hurricane or a need for evacuations should arise, residents would be notified personally by route alerting, along with information needed posted on the local cable tv channel 13.

Remember to keep basic supplies handy for all emergencies:

  1. Emergency light sources: Flashlights (and extra batteries), lanterns, etc.
  2. First-Aid Kit: Containing various bandages, aspirin, etc. (plus any medications that must be taken regularly).
  3. Portable Radio and Extra Batteries
  4. Baby Supplies: Such as food, canned milk or formula, and disposable diapers if needed.
  5. Food: That doesn’t need to be refrigerated or cooked, such as canned meats, vegetables, fruits, and juices. Store enough for several days.
  6. Water: Stored in plastic jugs or other covered containers. Plan on 1 gallon per person per day for drinking.
The Public Review Draft of the Salem County Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update will be available for review between Friday, August 18 th and Friday, September 15 th . The documents will be posted on the project website at and can be downloaded for review during this period. Please provide any comments or questions to your community’s Office of Emergency Management.

Natual Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Carneys Point

Salem County is currently updating their natural hazard mitigation plan. The plan:

  • Identifies risk to the County from natural hazards such as flood, high speed winds, dam or levee failure, winter storms, and wildfires
  • Recommends projects and policies to reduce these risks.
  • Maintains eligibility for municipalities for certain federal grant program funds
The Salem County Office of Emergency Management is coordinating the efforts of all 15 municipalities. Each municipality has formed a Working Group with public and private sector representatives.

The plan is being updated now through the end of 2023. Draft versions will be available for review in June and August.

How can interested individuals or organizations participate?
Hazard mitigation is most effective when local governments work with residents, property owners, and business interests to identify and understand risks and focus public and private resources on realistic solutions to problems.

For more information, the project website can be found at and will be updated on a regular basis over the coming months to indicate when municipalities will be meeting to discuss the update and to provide community access to work-in-progress.

To participate in the plan update process, individuals can contact their municipality’s Office of Emergency Management. 

For Potential Partners (in addition to the preceding)

Would you be willing to share this information with your organization? If so, do you need any additional information to support that effort? 

Uploaded- April 14th, 2023